Tru Art Receives Certificate of Merit Award
03/21/2014 11:10am
Iowa City, IA – March 17, 2014 – Tru Art Color Graphics of Iowa City, IA received an award for outstanding achievement in the category of Soft Cover Books in the annual Star of Excellence Awards, a five-state printing competition hosted by the Printing Industry Midwest (PIM), the region’s trade association for printing, communication and graphic arts industry.
Competing against entries from printing and graphic arts firms throughout the Midwest, Tru Art Color Graphics received the prestigious Certificate of Merit Award. The company’s winning submission was a soft cover book for the City of Iowa City’s, Iowa City Sustainability Assessment 2013.
The assessment was written by a team led by Brenda Nations, Environmental Coordinator and designed by designer, Robyn Hepker of Benson & Hepker Design. Tru Art's sales consultant, Kathy Gaulke worked closely with the City & Benson & Hepker to provide an eco-friendly report, supreme in quality. The assessment consists of 100 pages with a 4-page cover. The user-friendly design is perfect-bound, and lays flat and printed on FSC®-Certified paper using vegetable-based inks. Tru Art, is an FSC®-Certified printer. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an organization that works to promote the practice of sustainable forestry worldwide.
“We are very proud of our winning team, said Kathy Gaulke, Sales Consultant. “It is an honor to be recognized by the industry as a company that produces top quality, award-winning materials.” PIM President David Radziej agrees, “This was a close competition with a very impressive standard of entries. The judging process was challenging. Tru Art Color Graphics should be proud of the company’s achievement and the excellent work done by their team.”
The Star of Excellence Awards recognize those responsible for the creation and production of print communications in the Midwest. The competition promotes excellence in print communications and rewards companies and individuals who produce the best in print media.
For more information about Tru Art Color Graphics, visit or call Rodger Rufer at (319) 337-9623(319) 337-9623. For more information about the Printing Industry Midwest and the Star of Excellence Awards, call Lola Faufau at (651) 789-5504
(651) 789-5504.